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Reviews Silla Acapulco

On this page we want to be as transparent as possible about our reviews. Our reviews are collected honestly and from real customers who have purchased a product from us. The reviews are all shown and not filtered.
To clarify, here are a number of frequently asked questions regarding the reviews:
- Who can leave a review?
We collect reviews via Webwinkelkeur.
Customers receive an invitation by e-mail to post a review. This email is sent after an order has been completed. These reviews are shown on the member page as 'verified customer of ...'
In addition, customers have the option to write a review without an invitation. These are unverified reviews, which are shown on the member page as 'customer of ....'
We also take the following measures to guarantee the authenticity of reviews:
The reviewer must confirm the email address.
The web retailer (in this case Silla Acapulco) has no option to adjust a review itself.
Webwinkelkeur has also drawn up user conditions for reviews.
- How is authenticity guaranteed?
Webwinkelkeur has a system to detect fake reviews. These reviews will be removed after review.
If there is a suspicion that a review is not from a customer, this must be reported by means of. a moderation request which is followed by an investigation.
- Are both positive and negative reviews posted on your website?
All reviews are posted, both negative and positive.
- Are paid reviews posted on your website?
- Within what period are the reviews placed on your website to check a review?
Negative reviews are automatically quarantined for 14 days first. The reason for this is twofold:
In case of justified complaints, a solution can be offered within this period.
In the event of unjustified complaints (from a competitor, for example), the web retailer has the option of reporting this to Webwinkelkeur. The authenticity of the assessment is then examined.
After this period of 14 days, the review will be publicly posted. As a customer, you are always free to change the rating when the problem has been properly resolved, but this is not mandatory. Our goal is to provide as realistic a picture as possible of customer service.
- In which cases is a review not posted?
If the review comes from a bot or non-existing customer.
In principle, we do not remove reviews, only in case of coarse language or when they are demonstrably unjustified, removal is necessary.